To mark the birth anniversary of the first prime minister of India, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, and to celebrate Children’s Day a special assembly was conducted by the students of class IX that captivated the hearts and minds of all students and teachers present.

The assembly started with a beautiful thought, the students then showcased their eloquence through a speech, highlighting the significance of celebrating children’s day and delving into the life of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, followed by a beautiful poem. The highlight of the assembly was an engaging skit performed by the talented students, bringing to life a story that not only entertained but also conveyed valuable lessons and moral values.

The Chairperson Mr. Binda Singh, remarked, “Our students are the future, and today’s assembly showcased the incredible potential and creativity that resides within each of them.”  Principal Mrs. Veesha Mohindra echoed these sentiments, saying, “Children’s Day is a reminder to celebrate the unique qualities of our young learners. Their curiosity, enthusiasm, and boundless energy are the driving forces behind a brighter tomorrow. We are proud to be a part of their journey.”



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