R.V.S. Academy, Jamshedpur organized Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti on 23rdJanuary, 2023. The Chairman of the school Mr. Binda Singh, Principal Mrs. Veesha Mohindra, Vice Principal Mrs. Anita Tiwari, teachers and the students were present for the celebration . The program started with the garlanding of the portrait of Netaji by the Chairman of the School, Mr. Binda Singh.

The students had put up various programmes like speech, poem, skit etc based on Netaji ‘s life. Everybody was deeply moved by the words. The students of various classes presented a captivating skit which showed how Netaji motivated his troopsto fight  against the British.

The Chairman of the School, Mr. Binda Singh emphasized the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in the freedom movement. He asked the students  to follow  the foot steps of  Netaji and serve the nation selflessly.



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