R.V.S Academy has endeavored to a unique platform where in kids from different Pre- primary school in the immediate locality can interact with each other and learn the basics of personality development in the play way method filled is the “Fun & Frolic”.

On the 9th of April, 2016 R.V.S Academy had opened its gates &heart to welcome the young building talents in a FUN-&-FROLICS program. The students of Nursery to UKG participated to show case their skills & talents. The school had arranged for a fancy competition titled “FLORA & FAUNA”, English Choral Recitation , A dance competition based on hit song from Bollywood, Biscuit race and frog race.

The progrmme is a step taken up the school to provide supporting to the Pre –Pr- Schools to interact with the teachers & students to build a everlasting bond in the teaching fraternity, the students and the school. This will lead to development of a harmonious relationship among all.

Over all championship award bagged by KIDS WORLD (Mango).



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