International yoga day celebrates the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world stage. It is an important activity millions join in and practice on a daily basis to stay healthy.

RVS Academy was no where behind in celebrating this day through a special assembly conducted by the students of classes VI to VIII. The assembly consisted of a speech delivered by Mahasweta Das. Eight important asanas namely, Trikonasana; Veerbhadrasana; Adhomukhasana; Savasana; adhomukha swastikasana; Dandasana; Swastikasana; and Bhuangasana were performed by the students with a lot of enthusiasm and spirit. The benefits of each asana were explained to all by Mahasweta and Sunanda.

 The occasion was graced by the Vice principal Mrs. Anita Tiwari. The Vice Principal conveyed her best wishes to everyone and also stressed on the benefits of yoga in the life of a student and also asked the students to practice it regularly.



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