Students of RVS Academy, Dimna Road, Mango, Jamshedpur visited Cheshire Home in Sundernagar on Friday, 21st October, 2022 where they interacted with senior citizens and special inmates in Cheshire Home.

More than 40 students and teachers visited Cheshire Home. The collected articles were handed over to the Cheshire Home.  The school had collected various food grains, snacks, daily necessary articles and other eatables from students of Nursery to Class 12 and the staff of the school had also donated woollen clothes and blankets. The inmates were very hospitable and friendly, and welcomed our students and staff with their beautiful smiles. The students presented songs and dance for them and made them sing and dance along with them. Some of the inmates were so overwhelmed that they broke into tears when the students spoke to them. The love and care which the inmates are deprived of was showered on them by the students.

School Chairman Mr. Binda Singh said the visit to Cheshire Home was meant to imbibe respect in the new generation about their elders so that there is no need for such homes in the future and also to have empathy for underprivileged people.

“What a child becomes is purely due to tireless efforts put in by parents in moulding their future. It is only with blessings of the elderly people that we flourish and are protected from all unseen harm that may come our way.

It is the responsibility of children to take care of their parents in old age, as they cared for them in their childhood”, said the Chairman Mr. Binda Singh.

The day was very fruitful and the students returned back with beautiful memories to cherish.



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